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Acid reflux and heartburn are words used to express the same symptom - a burning sensation in your chest by your heart or right up the chest middle. This acid reflux symptom can also be experience much higher along the esophagus or throat. Over time, stomach acid can continue to dissolve esophagus tissue and this can lead to a bleeding ulcer with severe pain.
Another acid reflux symptom can be bad breath or consistent dry coughing.
Still, when esophageal tissue is eaten away, scar tissue can form which can narrow the esophagus making it difficult to swallow.
Poor eating habits
Heartburn or acid reflux doesn’t happen when you eat a healthy diet. And when I say a healthy diet, I don’t mean a diet that you need to deprive yourself of the food you like.
Most of us developed our eating habits from our parents. As we grew, we watched how they ate, when they ate, and what they ate. And we did the same thing.
Most people that I know and all family members don’t have good eating habits. They are eating too much at one sitting, they mix their food improperly, they drink too much water or drink the wrong type of liquid when they eat, they don’t assist the digestion with digestive enzymes and the list goes on and on.
So when you have a heavy meal where you ate more than you should have ,make sure you don’t bend over, lift anything heavy, or lie down.
More acid reflux symptoms
Most people experience an acid reflux symptom after their last meal. This burning sensation can be real severe and they may think they are having a heart attack, but make sure you are not having a attack. But this sensation will past and in the early stages of this symptom there is no real damage to the esophageal tissue.
A symptom that is not to common is throat laryngitis where your throat becomes hoarse in the morning, you have a dry cough, or have to repeatedly clear your throat. Some times you may have problems swallowing and feel like food is trapped in the esophagus or in the upper chest. This can also lead to a feeling that you are choking or that your throat feels tight.
Another acid reflux symptom is coughing and wheezing like an asthmatic. Or you could have nausea, which is persistent and causes you to vomit regularly.
It is easy to overlook acid reflux in children and infants. Acid reflux symptoms that children might have are regular coughing, vomiting, or other respiratory issues. Usually children grow out of this condition, but of course, keep a close watch and take them to a doctor, if the symptoms are continuous.
Some foods to avoid to keep your acid reflux in check are sodas, fried and fatty foods, spicy foods, peppermint and chocolate, and acidic foods like tomatoes and citrus fruits.
Acid reflux or heartburn is a very painful condition that is caused by stomach acids leaking into the lower esophagus. This is treated in using several methods. In the early stages of the disease, in which the heartburn is only occasional antacid can be of some help, but in the long run like in the case of calcium carbonate, actually make the problem worse. Some other medications give only temporary (approx. eight weeks) relief. The long-term goal is to find the source and eliminate it by using allergy medications or avoiding foods that cause the problem. In this case creating an acid reflux food plan is a necessity.
What foods to avoid
While every person’s case is different in general the foods to avoid are:
1. Caffeinated drinks-soda, coffee, and hot/cold chocolate drinks.
2. Peppermint & Spearmint-both as drinks such as tea, and in gum, and other foods as flavoring.
3. Citrus-this would mean both drinks, like orange juice, and foods as in lemons and limes.
4. Spicy foods -raw onions, cinnamon, red and other hot peppers.
5. Chocolate-flavors and candy bars
6. Alcohol-in medicine as well as in food
7. Tomatoes- in drinks as well as in foods
8. Fried and fatty foods-this would include most fast food and junk foods.
While most of these foods are causes of heartburn, it must be stressed that it might be possible that there are other foods that cause heartburn in addition to or instead of these foods. So the best acid reflux food plan is an individually created one that meets that individual’s needs.
What foods to include
In general, the foods to include are the ones that do not cause the symptoms. In addition, you need to be sure to get a well-balanced and enjoyable meal while still living without the others. Remember that vitamin C is required in other forms than orange juice and the citrus foods that are restricted. In this case, a supplement might be necessary in this case if other foods are not found.
Grains such as whole-wheat flour, oats and others will be needed to aid in the digestive process. In addition there are several digestive enzymes available and it is advisable to take one before bed at night. One good plan is to go through your cupboard, pantry, and refrigerator and remove all offending acid reflux food. Then go back again and see what menus can be made with the items you have left. Shopping is made easier with a list of foods that do not cause heartburn. You might also look for foods from restaurant menus and try to find new foods to order while eating out. It would also be a good plan to search the Internet or the library for good cookbooks to look for healthy recipes that you are able to digest easily.
While creating an acid reflux food plan may at first sound difficult, actually it is quite simple. You must find what foods are causing the problem and eliminate them. In addition, you need to determine what foods remain and learn to both create new recipes and recreate old ones from the dishes that you enjoyed in the past. This might mean ordering pizza with no sausage and onions on it or it might mean recreating an old favorite recipe.
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